Devlog #4: Starting Production

The time has finally come: we are ACTUALLY starting on the game. In the past few weeks we prototyped and tested a bunch of features to see what would be the most fun for you, the player.  With this new knowledge we start our project from scratch and use everything we've learned about the player experience.


Since we started on production this week, it was very important to make a clear road plan of specific tasks we have to do every week, to make sure we are not falling behind schedule. Every team member has been given tasks that they have to complete in 3 weeks time, with the intend to spread it out evenly over those weeks of course. 

Since this week was the first week of production, a lot of time went into making these overviews, so we're hoping this will really help with staying motivated throughout the entire project.

Big and Slanky Tim

Like mentioned in our previous devlogs, our game will revolve around the two characters Big and Slanky Tim. That's why it's important to make these characters stand out and feel recognizable, so our wonderful artists have created these characters. Keep in mind that they will be viewed from far away, so the highlight was put on the general proportions of the characters.

The Barn

The environment will of course not be empty. It'll be filled with props like creates, lanterns and so on, with bigger props like a barn really making the difference in a scene. Below you can see a modeled barn with feedback from the other artist to make sure the style of the game stays consistent over the entire scene. As you can see the proportions aren't the most realistic and the feeling of the game will be more cartoonish with curved pillars to hold up the barn for example.  

The programming side

Since we had to start from scratch, to build everything up from the bottom with the knowledge of the prototype, we haven't implemented anything that cool yet, in fact if you play this week's build of the game, it was quite a step back from what we already had. The prototyping's purpose was not to actually build the game, but rather learn from what is best which was often done in a reckless manner with bugs and issues, but since it was just a prototype it didn't really matter.

In the build there is some basic behavior like movement, looking around... Next week we will add more behavior like the ability to take damage and having the local multiplayer completely up and running. 

Thank you so much for once again reading our weekly update, and let's continue to work on this awesome game project.

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Mar 27, 2024

Get TimTim

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